Photograph © Sheila Tandy, under this
Creative Commons Licence
Woodbridge Tide Mill
Location Grid reference: TM 276 487
OS sheet: 169
Postcode: IP12 1BP
On the quayside at Woodbridge. No parking at mill.
This tide mill is a rare example. Built in 1793 on an earlier site, it ceased to work commercially in 1957. Has a new wooden undershot waterwheel and four pairs of millstones. Reopened April 2012 after complete restoration with display panels, videos, models, games for children and audio stories. Machinery turns whenever tides permit. (Milling demonstrations - see website).
Opening times 2016 Easter to September, daily,
11.00-17.00; 16.30 last entry. October half term; daily all week.
Parties throughout year by prior arrangement.
National Mills Weekend opening times 2016 Saturday and Sunday, 11.00-17.00.
Contact 01394 385295 or 07712 651213
[email protected]
Web site