Photograph © Kelvin Davies, under this
Creative Commons Licence
Whitchurch Silk Mill
Location Grid reference: SU 462 478
OS sheet: 185
Postcode: RG28 7AL
Brown signs from A34 and B3400, in centre of Whitchurch.
A silk weaving watermill built about 1800. The 1890 waterwheel powers a winding machine. Historic
looms and weaving machinery. Now a working museum producing taffetas, organzas and ribbon fabric.
Opening times 2016 Tuesday to Sunday and bank holidays, 10.30-17.00. Closed Christmas to New Year. Parties by appointment, please.
National Mills Weekend opening times 2016 Saturday
14th May & Sunday 15th May, 10.30-17.00. Vintage Fair, Sunday 15th May,
£1 per person,
under 16s free, includes free entry to the mill. With a range of vintage stalls,
music and treats in the cafe, this year in association with the Whitchurch
vintage bike ride and primary pedal.
Contact Reception tel. 01256 892065.
Web site www.whitchurchsilkmill.org.uk