Photograph © NBMPS
Narborough Bone Mill
Location Grid Ref TF732125
OS sheet 132
Postcode PE32 1TE
From A47 take the turning to Narborough. By the Ship Inn turn into Pentney Road
then immediately left into The Maltings yard. Follow the signs to the old
railway piers. Park here and walk along the river approx
¾ mile to the bone mill site. Transport can be arranged by contacting us by
e-mail in advance.
The original 16 ft diameter waterwheel from
around 1830 has been restored in 2015 along with the brickwork walls and
pier. It is hoped that the wheel will be turned on open days subject to
permissions. A new timber gate frame arch has been installed across the
river closely matching the original in the only surviving picture of the
mill from Victorian times. Also on view will be the original brick
floors, trenches, tunnels, a large underground cistern and a restored
elevator mechanism found in its original pit. There will be a visitor
centre in a restored railway wagon with displays showing some of the
many finds including a human skull, ironmongery, and animal bones.
Pictures of the restoration and conservation in progress will also be on
display. Refreshments will be available.
Opening times 2017 By arrangement only.
Please note the bone mill is on private property and is only open on
Heritage open days and National Mills Weekend Events.
National Mills Weekend Opening Times 2017
Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th May, 11:00 to 16:00.
Free entry but donations welcome. Volunteers will be on site to give tours and
answer questions.
Email:[email protected]
Website: www.bonemill.org.uk