Photograph © Escdotdot, under this
Creative Commons Licence
Lode Watermill, Anglesey Abbey
Location Grid reference: TL 530 626
OS sheet: 154
Postcode: CB25 9EJ
Six miles NE of Cambridge at Anglesey Abbey, in the village of Lode, off B1102 Burwell Road.
Signposted off A14.
Mill now in full operation following essential repairs, can be seen running
most days. Hand quern and history displays. The present watermill dates from
the 18th century. The Cambridgeshire Wind and Watermill Society restored it to
working order. Wholemeal flour is now produced most days and is on sale at the
mill and at the National Trust shop. Scones made from the flour are for sale in the
National Trust restaurant.
Opening times 2017 Wednesday-Sunday, and Bank
Holiday Mondays. except over Christmas break, 11.00-15.30; (See
web site for more details)
National Mills Weekend opening times 2017 10.30-16.00 on Saturday and Sunday.
Contacts General Information: tel.01223 810080.
Specific Enquiries; Laura Booty, tel. 01223 810087 or 01223 811260.
Parties: Group bookings administrator, tel. 01223 810081.
Web site www.nationaltrust.org.uk/angleseyabbey