Photograph © Chris Allen, under this
Creative Commons Licence
Waterwheel at London Museum of Water & Steam (Formerly Kew Bridge Steam Museum)
Location Grid reference: TQ 187 781
OS sheet: 177
Postcode: TW8 0EN
On the N side of Kew bridge, 100 yds E, under the tall Victorian standpipe tower.
In the grounds of the steam museum is a 20ft by 5ft 4in iron backshot waterwheel, which drives a 3-throw pump.
Built in 1902, it was used to pump water for the Duke of Somerset's estate from the river Frome in Somerset.
Now operated for demonstration.
Opening times 2016 Daily, 11.00-16.00, except Christmas. See
web site for special events.
National Mills Weekend opening times 2016 Saturday & Sunday, 11.00-16.00.
Contact Tel. 020 8568 4757.
Web site
http://www.waterandsteam.org.uk/our-engines/ hindley-waterwheel