Photograph © Martin John Bishop, under this
Creative Commons Licence
Hinxton Watermill
Location Grid reference: TL 494 454
OS sheet: 154
Postcode: CB10 1RD
Mill Lane, Hinxton, about 8 miles S of Cambridge, off A1301, in Hinxton village. Footpath to mill from Mill Lane.
The current timber framed building dates from the 17th century. The building was rescued and restored to working
order by the Cambridge Preservation Society and local villagers in the 1980s. It contains a 'Little Giant' water
turbine and a Tangye water pump. Flour is ground for demonstration purposes only.
Opening times 2017 National Mills Sunday, then June to September, first Sunday in each month, 14.30-17.30.
(14 May, 4 June,
2 July, 6 August, 3 September, 1 October) Parties by appointment. (See
web site for further details).
National Mills Weekend opening times 2017
14.30-17.30 on Sunday 14th May
Contact Properties Manager, Cambridge Past Present & Future (formerly Cambridge Preservation Society), Wandlebury Ring, Gog Magog Hills, Babraham, Cambridge CB22 3AE. Tel. 01223 243830.
Web site