Photograph © Betty Longbottom, under this
Creative Commons Licence
Claverton water-powered pumping station
Location Grid reference: ST 793 645
OS sheet: 172
Postcode: BA2 7BH
5 miles S of Bath, A36 Bath to Warminster road. Turn L on river side of railway level crossing
down Ferry Lane, opposite Claverton village. (Caution - uncontrolled level crossing).
A waterwheel-powered beam engine pumping station, built in 1813 to pump water from the River Avon
to the Kennet and Avon Canal. Has a 18ft x 25-ft wide waterwheel. Restored to working order in 1978.
Owned by British Waterways Board and in the care of the Kennet and Avon Canal Trust.
Opening times Due to major works taking place on replacing the waterwheel
and the pitwheel cogs which over-ran due to the poor weather, it has been decided NOT to open the pump house to the general public until the works are complete,
later this year. Guided tours to groups are still available, please contact us for details.
National Mills Weekend opening times Not open
Contact At pump, tel. 01225 483001, or John Adams, tel. 0117 986 5264. Parties: Jim Caldwell, tel. 01373 864957.
Web site www.claverton.org