Photograph © Jim Woodward-Nutt
Park Watermill, Bateman's, Burwash
Location Grid reference: TQ 671 236
OS sheet: 199
Postcode: TN19 7DS
Within the grounds of Bateman's, 1 mile south of Burwash, signposted from A265.
Access through ticket office to the house.
Owned by the National Trust, the mill was built around 1750. It was restored in 1975 and produces
flour most Wednesdays and Saturdays 14.00-16.00, powered by an overshot waterwheel. There is also a
water turbine which drove a generator to supply Rudyard Kipling's house. Entrance by ticket for house
includes admission to mill.
Opening times 2016 March to October, daily 11.00-17.00. (Open Good Friday).
Parties by appointment. (See web site
for dates.)
Not milling at present, as we are awaiting funding
for a new wheel shaft and other works.
National Mills Weekend opening times 2016 Saturday and Sunday, 11.00-17.00.
Contact Fiona Hancock, tel. 01435 882302.
Web site www.nationaltrust.org.uk/batemans