Photograph © George Stebbing-Allen
Maud Foster Windmill, Boston
Location Grid reference: TF 332 447
OS sheet: 131
Postcode: PE21 9EG
In Willoughby Road, Boston, just off A52 to Skegness.
A 7-storey, 5-sailed tower mill, built in 1819, restored to full working order in 1988 and producing
a wide range of organic wholemeal and white flours commercially, with four pairs of millstones, flour
dressing machines, etc. It is one of the finest working windmills in Britain.
Mill shop selling flour and souvenirs.
Opening times, 2016
Windmill and Shop. Wednesday and Saturday 10.00 to 17.00. plus extra days during Easter and Summer School holidays: Wednesday to Saturday 10.00 to 17.00. Bank Holiday Mondays 10.00 to 17.00. Also see web site.
National Mills Weekend opening times 2016 Saturday, 10.00-17.00.
Enquiries James Waterfield, tel. 01205 352188.
Web site www.maudfoster.co.uk